Patricia Mechael



My vision is health and wellbeing for all people everywhere through increased collective consciousness, responsibility, and action towards public health through a pro-science rebellion among young people of all ages.

I deliver engaging inspirational keynotes, facilitate workshops, and teach at high-profile conferences and universities on topics ranging from public health and wellbeing, women and girls in STEM, women in leadership, digital health and mHealth.


Patty is available to speak about the following:

  • The most important issues confronting public health policy today.
  • Why girls need to be championed to pursue STEM-based fields.
  • What our youth can do to save the planet from pollution.
  • How parents can encourage their children to have healthier bodies and minds.
  • Why a person’s zip code is the most significant predictor of health and life-expectancy.
  • What we can learn from how the pandemic was handled.
  • The importance of clean water, and its impact locally and globally.
  • What she learned as the first person to study the effects of cellphones on health and wellbeing – positive and negative.
  • How literature can inspire young people to aspire to become scientists.








ADEA Keynote - Believe I’m Possible


Women in Global Health: Exploring Non-Academic Careers with Patty Mechael


Patty Mechael on mHealth Animation


mhealth Summit 2013: A Moment with Patricia Mechael @mHealthAlliance


2016 Connected Health Symposium


Monday - Opening Remarks: Patricia Mechael


Patricia Mechael at mHealth Summit 2012


Dr. Patricia Mechael: 2011 mHealth Summit


Interview with Patricia Mechael from Center for Global Health and Economic Development, Earth Institute.


Advancing Health with Smart Partners & Smart Phones